File management (folders)
Create folders and manage your assets
Last updated
Create folders and manage your assets
Last updated
Available for: paid plans
To create a new folder, go to the My files tab in the Dashboard and press the "New Folder" button. Type the new folder's name and click on "Create".
You can create a folder in the app - go to the Assets menu -> My files tab, click on the blue button at the bottom right corner, set the name for the folder, and confirm the creation.
You can create a subfolder inside any folder the same way.
You can upload files into folders or move them from other folders including the root folder - My files.
To upload a file into a folder go to this folder with a double click and press the "Upload" button or drag and drop the file.
To move a file from another folder, select the file, click on the "Move" button, choose the target folder, and click on "Move".
To rename a folder, hover over the folder, click on the 3 dots button, and choose "Rename". Type a new name and press "Rename".
To move a folder, hover over the folder, click on the 3 dots button, and choose "Move". Select the target folder and click on "Move" - the folder with all files and folders inside it will be transferred into the target folder.
To delete a folder, hover over the folder, click on the 3 dots button, choose "Remove", and confirm this action. The folder will be removed, and all files inside it will be transferred to the Trash (empty the Trash if you want to delete them completely).