Education license activation

To activate your Education license and unlock the full potential of ShapesXR, please follow these steps:

  1. Check your email inbox. An invitation email from has been sent to email address you specified in the application form (Email Associated with University/School).

If you can't find the email, be sure to check your Spam folder as well.

  1. Log in to the panel.

  2. Select the Projects tab.

  1. Select "+ New Project" and name it.

  1. Enter your new project by selecting it from the list.

  1. IMPORTANT: Add yourself to this project.

  1. Open the Members tab, then press the Invite button to invite team members to this project. Write an email and choose the role for this person, then press "Invite".

To use ShapesXR for educational purposes, each student should have a headset, a Meta account (or Pico), and a ShapesXR account. You need to add each participant to the project as a member and assign them the appropriate role.

Admins do not inherit access to projects.

Only Editors will consume licenses (seats).

  1. Open ShapesXR on your headset and make sure that you have a License in the left lower panel of the Lobby "Education".

Please note! You'll see an Education license in Dashboard and VR only after creating a project with the editor.

Last updated

Change request #343: Shared anchors