License activation process

Here are the instructions for setting up ShapesXR business license. Activate your new features from the Dashboard:

  1. Check your email for an activation link.

  1. Log in to the panel.

  1. Select the Projects tab.

  1. Select Create New Project.

  1. Name Your Project.

  1. Enter your New Project by selecting it from the list.

  1. IMPORTANT: Add yourself to this Project.

  1. Open the Members tab, then press the Invite button to invite team members to this project.

  1. Write an email and choose the role for this person.

  1. After you write the email and choose the role press the Invite button.

  1. Select the Role of each Member under Members.

  1. Admins do not inherit access to projects.

  2. Only Editors will consume licenses.

  3. Open Shapes on Quest.

  4. Confirm you have a License in the left lower panel of the Lobby "Enterprise" or "Team".

  1. From the Lobby, add your current Spaces to your Project by selecting the ellipses.

  1. Have at it!

Last updated