
Orbit = Hold Left Button + Mouse move

Pan = Hold Right Button + Mouse move / Hold Middle button + Mouse move / Ctrl/Command + Right Mouse button

Zoom to cursor = Mouse wheel / Touchpad scroll / Ctrl + Right button + Mouse move

Move forward/left/backward/forward = WASD

Move up/down = Q/E

Add/remove the object to selection = Shift + Click on an object

Copy = Ctrl/Command + C

Cut = Ctrl/Command + X

Paste = Ctrl/Command + V

Undo = Ctrl/Command + Z

Select All = Ctrl/Command + A

Unlock All = Ctrl/Command + U

Group/Ungroup objects = Ctrl/Command + G

Deselect All = Esc

Center the camera on selected = C

Focus on selected = F

Toggle Background = B

Switch scenes = Arrow keys

Delete selected objects = Delete/Backspace

Last updated