Business license activation

Here are the instructions for setting up the Shapes business license. Activate your new features from the Dashboard:

  1. Check your email for an activation link.

  1. Log in to the panel.

  1. Select the Projects tab and click on Create New Project.

  1. Name your project. After creating you will be redirected to this project page.

  1. IMPORTANT: Add yourself to this Project.

  1. Open the Members tab, then press the Invite button to invite team members to this project.

  1. Type an email and choose the role for this person.

  1. Press the Send Invitation button.

  1. You can change the role of any project member in the Member tab.

Admins do not inherit access to projects.

Only Editors will consume licenses (seats).

  1. The license is activated - now you can create spaces inside the project or move your existing space into it.

Last updated