Gaze & Pinch interaction

How to set up Gaze & Pinch

You can interact with the objects in Play mode using eye gaze selection and pinch gesture manipulation.

To enable this mode in ShapesXR set the input mode as Hands in Settings menu -> Prototyping section.

If you are using Gaze & Pinch mode, please make sure the Hand and Eye tracking are enabled in the Oculus settings (Settings -> Movement Tracking -> Eye tracking/Hand and body tracking).

The Eye tracking is only available for Quest Pro.

Hand tracking in Oculus settings

How to use Gaze & Pinch in Play mode

While you are in Play mode, set your controllers down and wait for your virtual hands will appear. Now you can select the interactive objects using eye gaze and "click" on the objects using pinch gestures.

When you look at the interactive object the hover effect gets enabled and the object becomes highlighted.

With Gaze & Pinch mode you can interact with the objects that have On Click or On Hover interactivity.

Last updated