Object Inspector

The Object Inspector gives quick access to object settings to edit them after creation and control the state of an object in the space more precisely.

Select an object to call the Object inspector. When you hover over the Inspector you can see the line to the selected object.

Object tab

For all types of objects, you can adjust:

  • Gizmo on/off

  • Transform section (size and position of the object)

In Shapes you can use these types of objects, some of them have additional properties:

  • Library object

  • Imported model

  • Figma (Sync with Figma, Transparency, Opacity)

  • Image (Transparency, Opacity)

  • Shape (Opacity, Bend, Size, Thickness, Corner, Chamfer, Back face, Preset)

  • Text (Text type, Font size, Horizontal align, Text value)

  • Brush (Opacity)

  • Viewpoint (Set view, Show space info in screenshot, FOV, Take screenshot button, Teleport to viewpoint)

  • Multiple objects (Group button and properties that are common for selected objects)

  • Group (Ungroup button)

Pull the slider to the right or left to change the property or click on the property field to type the precise value.

Click on the 3 dots button to call the context menu for additional options:

  • cut

  • copy

  • paste

  • duplicate

  • delete

  • group/ungroup

  • lock

  • move to Background/Move to Scene

  • export (more info: Export)

Interactivity tab

You can add interaction to the selected object and see the list of existing interactivities using this object as the trigger.

To get more info about interactions go to the Interactivity.

Material tab

You can set the color, opacity, and material for the selected object.

You can enter the color code or use the eye-dropper to take the color and/or material from another object.

Last updated