Viewpoints & Play mode
To review and present your projects from a certain point of view, we have Viewpoints and Play mode.
You can also take photos (screenshots) with this tool. Read more about making photos here.
Create Viewponts
To create a new viewpoint, just grab it and put on the scene with the grip button.
Switching between viewpoints
Switch between viewpoints with the arrows on the panel. Check the preview window on the right.
Attach to Controllers
You can attach content on the stage to your controllers or the user space so it will follow you in the Play mode.
You have the next attachment options:
world space (default)
left hand
right hand
user space
If you choose left or right hand the blue reference controller appears. It can be moved as an object and allows you to keep the connected objects and controller together.
If you choose "user space" content will stay locked to your physical room as you move through the space in Play mode.
Also, you can include or exclude foreground or background - these options allow you to keep some objects locked and some of them attached.
You can set different attachment options for each viewpoint you have.
Tutorial: Attach to Controllers
Play Mode
Press the stick on your non-dominant controller and you will be immersed in the ViewPoint. This mode allows you to represent how the scene will look to the users from different points of view, your scale will be locked and all tools will be disabled.
For seamless teleportation and swift viewpoint switching, utilize the dominant controller’s stick, and for stage transitions, use the non-dominant controller’s stick.
Tutorial: ViewPoints
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