Interactivity (BETA)
By adding interactive elements to VR prototypes, designers and developers can test and refine their ideas more realistically and engagingly. This can help to identify potential design issues or user experience challenges early on in the development process, saving time and resources in the long run.
Moreover, interactive VR prototypes can also help to showcase the potential of a product or experience to stakeholders or investors, providing a more tangible and immersive demonstration of the concept.
How to add interactivity
To add interactivity you need to activate the Interactivity menu from your non-dominant hand by clicking on the lightning icon. In the right-hand corner, you can see interactivity options:
On click
On hover enter
On hover exit
After delay
After you choose the required interaction, you need to click on the object in your scene to which you want to assign that interactivity.
Then you need to set what stage you want ShapesXR to go to when the chosen interactivity is fulfilled. The interactivity system always defaults to the next stage.
For an After delay interactivity you need to set a delay in seconds.
How to use interactivity
To make the interactivity you created work you need to activate the Play mode. You can do so by clicking on the Play button in the Interactivity menu or by pressing on the non-dominant stick.
In Play mode you can't edit your scene, you can switch stages and viewpoints using sticks on the controllers and interact with the objects with interactivity.
How to change the input mode
To change the input mode click on the Eye icon in the Interactivity menu and choose a desirable option.
You can interact with objects in Play mode in two ways:
controller raycast
eye gaze and hand pinch.
In case you are using Gaze & Pinch mode, please make sure the Hand tracking and Eye tracking (only for Quest Pro) are enabled in the Oculus settings (Settings -> Movement Tracking -> Hand and Body Tracking).
Gaze & Pinch mode is fully available on Quest Pro. You can use it on Quest 2 and Quest 3 as well but without gaze tracking.
You can also change a hover feedback - turn it off, change fade duration or brightness. You can try your settings on the Preview circle, just hover on it with the ray or gaze depending on the mode you chose.
Tutorial: Interactivity
Tutorial: Gaze & Pinch
Last updated