Tutorials for a quick start with Jeremy Casper
Here you can find fully immersive tutorials with audio comments from Jeremy Casper - our resident instructor. Jeremy comes to ShapesXR with years of experience in the world of film production and graphic design. He is also a virtual reality artist, animator, and storyteller and leads weekly ShapesXR onboarding sessions for both new and experienced users.
You can also watch it from any space in ShapesXR App.
Tutorial Series Trailer
1. The basics
Jeremy introduces the basics of Shapes XR. He covers the hand controllers, including grip buttons and trigger buttons, and explains their functions for navigation, object selection, and manipulation. Jeremy also teaches how to bring shapes into the environment, navigate through the space, and pick up and delete objects.
2. Creating a 3D UI
Jeremy begins by discussing the importance of creating a proper scale. The video covers topics such as using Gizmo for manipulation, duplicating objects, and adding icons to buttons. It also teaches how to add shadows and align objects, and the importance of locking and grouping elements. The video ends with aligning the menu and adjusting its orientation.
3. Creating the environment
Jeremy demonstrates building the environment in Shapes XR. He starts by adding a colored sky using an inverted sphere. Jeremy creates the floor and back wall using cubes and emphasizes the use of snapping for precision. He adds a half wall for style and creates slanted walls with the draw tool. Then, he constructs a glass railing around the room using duplication, snapping, and precise scaling.
4. Decorating the environment
Jeremy focuses on production design in Shapes XR. He covers creating a table, changing the user’s position to seated, and positioning UI elements. He also demonstrates how to add various objects and introduces the idea of making unique assets. He encourages you to experiment and add your personal touch to the environment.
5. Basics of storyboarding
Jeremy discusses “gray boxing” and how to prepare for interaction prototyping in Shapes XR. He introduces the stages menu, allowing you to create and manage multiple stages similar to PowerPoint slides. Jeremy shows how to use the background layer to have objects appear on all stages and introduces viewpoints to control the user’s perspective. The lesson emphasizes using a single viewpoint for the prototype.
6. Prototyping interactions
Jeremy takes you through the creation of a prototype with various interactions. The goal is to demonstrate how interactions with two buttons will occur. The buttons, when pressed, activate a whiteboard and a passthrough feature. You’ll use controllers and create interactions for each step. The lesson covers changes in button colors and suggests movement animations.
7. Sharing and exporting your scene
Jeremy emphasizes collaboration features, allowing friends and fellow designers to join your space. He discusses uploading assets through the Web portal (Dashboard), enabling you to manage your files, download exports, and access the Web viewer. Additionally, you can export 3D files and even use the ShapesXR Unity plugin.
8. Interactivity
Jeremy introduces Shapes XR’s new interactivity system. This system allows you to add triggers and transitions to your XR projects, making them interactive and animated without any coding. Jeremy demonstrates how to create a hover effect for a button, showcasing the interaction between stages.
9. Mixed reality
This video delves into Shapes XR’s mixed reality system, including passthrough mode, project locking to your environment, and mixed-reality app creation. Jeremy showcases room setup, navigating in 1:1 mode, creating interfaces that float above physical surfaces, occlusion for a smooth AR experience, and more, inspiring you to explore and share your mixed reality creations.
10. Portals
In this tutorial learn how to work in Mixed Reality, cast shadows in the real world, and create portals to virtual environments.
11. Gaze and Pinch
Jeremy demonstrates how to use gaze and pinch interactions with the Quest Pro, with some universal tips for Quest 2 users about the Interactivity system. He showcases an AR media player application built in Shapes XR that leverages eye and hand tracking for interaction.
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