
To share creations and sketches with anyone and control the access rights, we added permission modes. Now its really easy to collaborate without accidentally editing or deleting parts of spaces and with the ability for other users to leave comments.

Space Owner

Set the default mode of space

You as a creator of a space can set the default sharing settings of that space. Members can access the spaces within the project based on their given permissions.

Set editing rights to a certain person

In Share panel there is a list of all of the people who ever accessed the space, so you can change editing rights to a certain person or anyone who visits the space.

Delete the space code and generate a new code

Also its possible to delete the space code , so all users will lose access to that space via deleted code.


Its very similar to the Owner role. If you want to invite another user to your space so you can edit asynchronously or edit together in real-time, just choose Editor permission for the user in Share panel.

All tools will be available in this mode, editor can set permissions for any other users too. Editor mode also gives an opportunity to delete all objects and stages in the space and to duplicate spaces, so they will be saved in Created list of the user as new ones.


To share your space with others to get comments and reactions only, with no possibility of editing please use comment permission mode. For commentator its possible only to use a special pack with icons to leave reactions, TextTool for useful comments and drawing tool with one simple brush. Only objects created by this user will be interactable for him.

View mode

Choose this mode only to show your creations if you don't want anyone to edit space at all. So the user with this permission will see everything like in presentation, no tools will be available. Viewer cant duplicate and rename spaces shared with them.

List of features for all permission modes

Last updated