Web Dashboard


Web Dashboard

Dashboard allows you to import, export, share & open spaces created in ShapesXR via a web interface. You can use both computer and mobile browsers.

To import models and images, upload them using your computer or phone. Upon successful uploading, assets appear in ShapesXR immediately in the import tab of the Creation Tool. More details about ShapesXR import system you can find here.

You can access photos taken in ShapesXR and your exported models - gTLF and USDz files.

You can see all of the spaces you have access to. It is sorted by last used in VR. To go to the page of the needed space, just click on its preview.

Open Space

To open spaces of other creators without VR, we also added the ability to view them in the web viewer. To do this, you just need a space code, more details - here.

Last updated