Colors & Materials

We are excited to announce the latest update to our app, which introduces enhanced color and material features for a seamless user experience. Now, you have even more creative control over your designs! With the Color Picker easily accessible on your controller, you can select any color you desire.

You can select the colors that represent your brand perfectly. Just type in the hex color code on the panel, and watch your designs come to life with precision.

We’ve also made it convenient for you to make changes across multiple objects simultaneously. Now, you can effortlessly update the color of several selected objects in just a few clicks.

And with eyedropper functionality, you can pick a color from any object in your space.

How to assign a color and material to an object

Color Picker

Color Picker is on your secondary hand. Here you can choose the active color. After interacting with the Color Picker, the Paint Tool becomes active on your dominant controller, with which you can recolor objects.

The selected color and material in your Сolor Picker also apply to Text Tool and Creation Tool. Objects and texts will be created with the color you choose on the Color Picker.


Hover your dominant hand controller cursor over the Сolor Picker on your secondary controller. A color wheel will open. You can select saturation and value in the square and hue in the circle using the trigger on the dominant controller.


If you need to change the material, hover over the arrow next to the color wheel. An additional menu will appear where you can select the type of material you need using the trigger on the dominant controller. You can also choose transparency for the material using the alpha slider.

Paint Tool

After you have chosen a color and material, Paint Tool is activated on your dominant controller. Hover your controller's cursor over an object and press the trigger to assign the selected color and material to it.

How to assign a color and material to selected objects

There is an additional method to change a color and material of existing objects. Select the desired objects with the Selection Tool using the trigger button. And then select the color and material in the Color Picker. The color and material will be applied to all the objects you select.

Remember that there is a hotkey of quick access to the Selection Tool while any other tool is selected. Hold the trigger button on your secondary hand. While you hold the trigger Selection Tool is active on your dominant hand.



With the eyedropper, you can pick a color from any object in your space. Hover your controller's cursor over Color Picker. Above the color wheel, there is the eyedropper icon. Click on it using the trigger button. Then move the cursor of the dominant controller over the object and press the trigger button. The color and material of this object will become active for the Color Picker.

Hex color code

You can type the precise colors you need in the panel of Color Picker. Hover over the arrow next to the color wheel. An additional menu will appear. Hover over to the hex code of active color and press the trigger button. Then type in the code on the numpad using the trigger button. And click the checkmark button to apply the color code to the Color Picker.

Available materials

PBR - physically based rendering

Unlit - making objects unlit, without the environment affecting their colors

Additive - sums up incoming data such as color or transparency

Multiply - multiplies incoming data such as color or transparency

Passthrough - passthrough material with with Wireframe effect.

Passthrough material & Wireframe effect

One of the problems that was found earlier is that the objects on which passthrough material is applied difficult to interact with, as their volume is not felt, and visible through them the image room no longer corresponds to 3D model with the material.

After testing different visual solutions (color dimming, fake cubemap with simulated blurry passthrough), we settled on a variant with the Wireframe effect.

For this effect, an additional UV channel, the so-called barycentric coordinates, must be generated for all objects in the scene (from the library and imported custom models).

Since some objects have a non-dense grid (like a cube), we have added a fresnel effect.

We also adapted the resulting visual for different states: selected, highlighted, and locked. And we liked the result so much that we applied it to all the materials.

Last updated